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Useful websites for SEND

Please click the websites below to access their resources.

Website Focus

National Autistic Society


Signal Family Support

Support group for the families of autistic children and young people living in the London borough of Lewisham

Down's Syndrome Association

Down's Syndrome

British Dyslexia Association


Lewisham Parent and Carer's Forum

A voluntary group of parents and carers of children and young people with SEND living in the London Borough of Lewisham.

Drumbeat Outreach


Resources for Autism


S-Factor Athletics Academy

Sports clubs for children which includes the PAN Disability Inclusive Group which is open to young people with any disability (physical, sensory or learning) from aged 7-25+

Downderry Children's Centre and Family Hub

Support for children and families through universal (available to all) and targeted programmes, with a particular focus on 0-5 years