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Good Shepherd Catholic Primary School

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Catholic Life and Mission

All of our children are involved in the Catholic Life and Mission of our school and we have two groups that are particularly focused on serving our school. They are our Faith Ambassadors and our School Councillors.

Our Faith Ambassadors help in two main ways — by offering ideas to enhance our worship (both in church and in school) and also putting their faith into action by helping others and supporting charities (such as The Catholic Children’s Society, Cafod, Missio etc).

In addition, our School Councillors help by improving our school environment (encouraging recycling, making the school ‘greener’ etc) and by sharing their ideas for improving other areas of school life.  They are elected by their classes. 

Here are some of the ways that the children have contributed to the Catholic Life and Mission of our school.


September 2022

Our new Faith Ambassadors have been chosen and are:

Year 2 Richie & Chizara
Year 3 Ivor & Joy
Year 4 Josiah & Abigael
Year 5 Mia & Rien
Year 6 Dion & Raphael


Our new School Councillors have also been elected and are:

Year 2 Lexi & Marley
Year 3 Kareen & Jaiyeola
Year 4 Alicia & Ronell
Year 5 Jayden & Sarah
Year 6 Brianna & Christian B




In memory of Queen Elizabeth II's death, each class held their own collective worship, shared prayers and discussed her life-long service and faith. As a whole school, we held a minute's silence when we were all gathered together, to reflect upon the inspirational person that she was and how the Queen lived her values.  Every child also wrote a prayer and these were displayed on our fence so that all parishioners and members of the public could pause, read them and reflect. All of this was shared with the wider school community in our newsletter.


July 2022

Light, Life, Love

Our children are very familiar with our Mission statement however we wanted to drill down to what it actually means to us and how it impacts on our lives. Each child gave their thoughts in words and pictures and together, from the whole school’s contributions, we have a clear representation.


Thank you in particular to Michael Soji, Sophie Lopez Jurado, Michelle Winner, Simona Pospisilova & Alfredo Tinajero-Webster for their words and Khea Mitchell for her imagery. 


Light shows us the way
Jesus’ light guides us to the path that leads to God.

Life is the way
God created us for a reason: to serve Him, through serving one another.

Love is the glue that holds everything together.
Love creates a stronger bond between us, holding us together as a Catholic family.

Our School Rules

Our School Councillors have been leading the rewriting of our school rules to include input from every class. The final set has rules that every class has chosen and are worded to tie into the Seven Principles of Catholic Social Teaching.


  • We treat everyone with respect
  • We show care for the environment, our school and everyone’s property
  • We always look out for those who need help
  • We speak up when something isn’t right
  • We always try our best.


If everybody follows these rules we will have a very happy, hardworking school community where everyone feels loved and supported.

June 2022 

On Thursday 23rd June, our Year 5 class travelled to Aylesford Priory to join over 900 pupils from across the Archdiocese of Southwark for the One Mind, One Heart event. This special prayer service encouraged pupils to celebrate their place within God’s global Church family and to pray for their brothers and sisters close to home and far away. Different schools participated in different ways with our pupils leading prayers for children around the world.


May 2022

Nursery had an amazing week learning about the Queen’s Jubilee and her number of years of service.  They created their own decorations and celebrated with some singing and dancing.  Take a look at some of their red, white and blue resources that they have explored.