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Good Shepherd Catholic Primary School

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Catholic Inspections 

16th & 17th November 2023


“The mission statement, ‘Light, Life, Love, the glue that holds us all together’, is central to the life of the school and is fully embraced by pupils and staff. It is a living reality. It has a visibly positive impact on the lives and relationships throughout the school. It is a genuinely happy school.”

“Behaviour in lessons is excellent… It shows pupils are engaged with teachers and each other in a respectful way.”

“The way all pupils participate fully and respond meaningfully to prayer and liturgy is profound… Pupils, irrespective of their faith background, participated with respect for each other… Prayer is central to the life of the school.”

csi published report 08 12 23.pdf


25th May 2016


"Relationships between pupils and staff are excellent and reflect the Gospel values."

"The school is a closely-knit community, fostering excellent links with the local parish."

"Pupils in the Early Years are given an outstanding foundation."

"The Chaplain is very much part of the school community and his supportive role is both recognised and appreciated by staff and parents."

re section 48 inspection report final may 2016.pdf


targets from section 48.pdf