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Leaving our school

Good Shepherd is a family and though we celebrate our children moving on and leaving us for the next stage of their education, they will always be a part of our family.

20th July 2022

Our Year 6 pupils celebrated their time at Good Shepherd Catholic Primary School today with a Leavers' Mass this morning.

The service was very moving, with the children all bringing up to the altar something that represented their learning and/or achievements over their time with us:


“The children who are leaving will now bring a symbol to the altar, which they have chosen to represent themselves and their time in Good Shepherd. With this symbol they thank God for Good Shepherd and they place their future lives, their hopes, fears and dreams into the loving hands of Jesus, who will walk beside them on their journey.

 Verse 1 of Freely, Freely

God Forgave My Sin In Jesus’ Name
I’ve Been Born Again In Jesus’ Name
And In Jesus’ Name I Come To You
To Share His Love As He Told Me To

Ilma brings her pen and English book to represent her resilience and increasing confidence in English.  Sacha brings a paintbrush. She has increased her confidence in art and loves drawing.  Peyton brings a drama mask as she feels that being part of school productions have helped her grow in confidence.  David brings a football trophy to show how he has grown in confidence, within the sport. Alicia brings a recorder as she has created a love of music, during her time at Good Shepherd.  Alicja brings a painting to show her love for Art.

He Said: ‘Freely, Freely, You Have Received
Freely, Freely Give
Go In My Name, And Because You Believe
Others Will Know That I Live.’

Mikel brings a football jersey and boots.  Nicole brings a tennis racquet to show her love for playing it.  Deborah brings a pen to represent her increasing improvements in her written work.  Khea brings a photograph which represents her progress in maths and English and her courage and confidence in singing and acting.  Chudi brings his maths book as he feels he has made excellent progress in maths.  Esther brings a paint brush and paint palette to represent her love of art and her passion for drawing.  Chloe brings her English book to show her increased confidence and excellent progress in English.

All Power Is Given In Jesus’ Name
In Earth And Heaven In Jesus’ Name
And In Jesus’ Name I Come To You
To Share His Power As He Told Me To

Oliver brings his topic book to represent his excellent knowledge in these subjects.  Devin brings a protractor.  He loves maths and feels he has made his biggest improvement in this area, during his time at Good Shepherd.  Daisha brings her maths book as she feels that she has made excellent progress in maths. Malayah brings her Art book, to show how her art has improved.  Pemisire brings a football to represent his development in the sport. Callum brings a drawing to represent his love of football, socialising and swimming.  Ose brings his maths equipment, including a green pen for self-corrections, to show that he has improved in maths, over time.

He Said: ‘Freely, Freely, You Have Received
Freely, Freely Give
Go In My Name, And Because You Believe
Others Will Know That I Live.’

Ebere brings his Chromebook to represent his IT skills.  Dillon brings his maths book to represent his excellent progress.  Charlotte brings her pen to symbolise her growth in English, throughout the years, at Good Shepherd.  Shonelle brings a paintbrush and a bottle of paint to represent her favourite thing to do. Samuel is bringing his football boots to represent his skills in shooting.  Toby brings his maths book to represent his improvement in maths. Simona brings a pen because she feels that she has improved in her writing.               

We  bring all our leavers to the altar and place them in your care O Lord."

God Forgave My Sin In Jesus’ Name
I’ve Been Born Again In Jesus’ Name
And In Jesus’ Name I Come To You
To Share His Love As He Told Me To


Candle Bible Images – Browse 23,060 Stock Photos, Vectors ...

Each child was presented with a Bible and a candle as symbols of the word of God and light of God. They then made their Leavers' Promise with Father John. The Promise is based on the Principles of Catholic Social Teaching. 

Fr John:

Do you, The class of 2022, promise to treat every person as a unique and beautiful individual and every culture with love and respect?

Y6 Leavers:

We do.

Fr John:

Do you promise to remember that we all belong to one another; to stand side by side to help whoever and whenever in their time of need?

Y6 Leavers:

We do.

Fr John:

Do you promise to reflect and remember the fruits of the earth and its natural resources, putting life at the centre of everything you do?

Y6 Leavers:

We do.

Fr John:

Do you promise to put the needs of the poor and vulnerable ahead of your own?

Y6 Leavers:

We do.

Fr John:

Do you promise to care for all of God’s creation?

Y6 Leavers:

We do.

Fr John:


Do you promise to protect the rights of others and ensure that everyone is safe, healthy and can have a good life, as is your responsibility?

Y6 Leavers:

We do.

Fr John:


Do you promise to use your many different skills and talents to continue to follow in the footsteps of God?

Y6 Leavers:

We do.

Fr John:

As you journey forward in this next stage of your life, do you promise to shine the light of Christ in everything you do?

Y6 Leavers:

We do.

Fr John:

Go in peace, glorifying the Lord by your life.

Y6 Leavers:

Thanks be to God.


 We wish them all the best in their new schools where they go with our love and our prayers.